22 Bruzzi Vidal Blanc Pick 2

100% Vidal Blanc • 89 Cases, 8 Bottles
This wine not only comes from the first Vidal Blanc planted in Arizona, but also the first wine-grapes to come from high elevation Gila County. It’s exciting to see viticultural efforts charting new territory and revealing amazing new possibilities for Arizona. The Bruzzi Vineyard is farmed by the father and son team of James and Aldo Bruzzi. They could not have picked a better grape for their site. Vidal, bred from Ugni Blanc (the main grape used in Cognac) and the cold hardy Rayon d’Or, emerges late and ripens quickly. It can survive severe winters and if it gets frosted, puts out a good second crop. This wine is both fresh and unctuous and is loaded with tangelo, apricot, hints of marshmallow, ripe honeydew melon, and earthy plantain. We never cease to be amazed about the breadth of flavor this amazing grape and site is capable of.