
14 PSV Petite Sirah MAGNUM

14 PSV Petite Sirah MAGNUM
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/ 1.5L Magnum
SKU: 2017
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/ Case of 6

100% Petite Sirah

In recent years we have made a lot of advances in our Estate Vineyard – and in particular, with managing our canopies. When we started over ten years ago, we thought it was all about training our canopies vertically and sandwiching them in a 3-4” space between two wires. Well…when it came down to it, what we were creating a very inefficient situation for the vines leaves because they were all shading each other. When we finally started putting cross arms on the posts that held the wires, thus widening our “sandwich zone”, all of a sudden our wine started getting darker and richer, earlier in the season. Now we need to decide if we went too far…!

Wine Specs
Petite Sirah
Vineyard Designation
Page Springs Vineyard
Alcohol %

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